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yasmine97 said about Damon & Elena
Q : does anyone here know a writer called Darlene quinn ?? she is following me on twitter & wants to and i quote : discuss writing and publishing with me what should i do ????? & it's only cuz i puted a link to fan-fiction story of DE and even said that it wasn't me who wrote it Posted over a year ago
Anna_JH commented…
Remind her that you have not written it and to find the name of the original writer on fanfic if she really wants to get in touch with them. However if she still directly wants you and has seen proof of your writing skills, do your research. Ask her what publishing company she is with, get some facts from her. You never know if they may want to pass of your work as their own which is wrong. If everything seems okay and you're interested in writing/publishing then go for it! over a year ago