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shirley_w said about Damon & Elena
Damon is always the one who gets hurt, why? Why not Stefan?!!!! Posted over a year ago
CHOCOLADE commented…
  Because in the end he's the one who's going to get the girl and the happy ending after all Damon is the true hero of the show. over a year ago
shirley_w commented…
hope so over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
because everyone are fucking stefan obsessed idiots!! and wouldn't know what true love was, if it smacked them in the face at full force!! and of they are blinded by the douchebag's "holier than tho" ass. over a year ago
XxzBellazxX said …
My cover of Firework :)
would love to hear your feedback :)
link Posted over a year ago
We passed Blair and chuck and we are almost next to Delena!! Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
yipppeeeee!!!!!! im soooooo delighted!!! my second OTP, is fast catching up to my first OTP!!!!! PRETTY SOON THEY WILL BE NECK AND NECK WICH IS FINE WITH ME!!!!! i adore BOTH couples with a passion, and would be only to happy for them to be on the same level as eachother!!! NIAN/ DELENA FOREVER AND ALWAYS!!!!!! over a year ago
shirley_w said about Damon & Elena
Though she has chosen Stefan, the episode is all about delena, about how they first met, coz it is the story of Delena. Posted over a year ago
traceypharm commented…
Totally agree over a year ago
vote for Ian , please!! Posted over a year ago
princesstia411 commented…
Voted!! over a year ago
_Chryso_ commented…
voted!!! over a year ago
shirley_w said about Damon & Elena
Vote for Ian, please!! Posted over a year ago
pearl97 gave me props for my polls
hwz u??
well,thnx fr addin' me back!~ :D Posted over a year ago
shirley_w said about Damon & Elena
Episode 20 is a game changing episode for Delena , so is it a good thing or bad thing? Posted over a year ago
luvgamble commented…
It better be good after all this s*** we had to deal with! over a year ago
xoxoGG115 commented…
AMEN! If it's not... like idc if im being negative or not faithful to the show, but i'll stop watching. MY OTP is delena, i've invested time, sweat, and tears to this damn show. I will not let my poor and vulnerable heart be used and abused by the writers when they feel like it. I won't watch Damon be alone while the perfect Stefan and Elena prance around in happy land. I WON'T. Damon and Elena will be together, if the writers have even 1/1000 of a brain. over a year ago
shirley_w said about Damon & Elena
Does anyone know the name of the song during the dance? Posted over a year ago
sophievn commented…
Ed Sheeran- Give me love over a year ago
shirley_w commented…
THX over a year ago
shirley_w said about Damon & Elena
It's final now and the fans of Castle and Beckett are voting crazily!!
We can't lose!!
link Posted over a year ago
shirley_w commented…
Their % are increasing and thay're trying to catch up with us! over a year ago
Nutika commented…
we wont loose it :) do't worry :D But we could loose with Barney and Robin we need to do something! over a year ago