My Wall

Jess_Da_Vamp said …
Heyyy please enter my comp, there's a prop for everyone who Posted over a year ago
nell79 said about Damon & Elena
Some people think that Elena "went crazy" upon learning that Stefan slept with Rebecca. I'm just wondering where that happened? Cuz all I saw was a look of surprise and disgust (which I'm sure she'd show if any male she cared about slept with Rebekah--because HELLO she hates her and has hated her even while Elena and Stefan were together. Jealousy has nothing to do with it. But I guess some people will just see what they want to LOL Posted over a year ago
TVlover10 commented…
It's the Stelena shippers writing nonsense yet again. You should see some of the things they are saying on Twitter. One said that Delena is supposed to be happening right now but the writers keep getting all the characters on the show to talk about how epic Stelena's love is. They are so blind to the facts that have been laid out in front of them. Elena is not jealous of Rebekah for sleeping with Stefan but I wouldn't be surprised if in nexts weeks episode Damon starts questioning whether she is :( over a year ago
delenasalvatore commented…
Why would Elena be jealous? She's not in love with Stefan anymore. She said so herself. She's just disgusted that he slept with her arch-enemy. SE'ers have always been painfully unperceptive when it comes to Stelena and the show. I see what Klaus was trying to do (undermining Damon, making him doubt Elena etc) as being motivated by jealousy, (Damon has what he's always wanted), malice (it's just Klaus being Klaus basically), and in keeping with the formula of the 'triangle'. Epic love is supposed to be hard, and when characters make conclusions or judgements about something, they usually turn out to be wrong. Like Elena saying she would always love Stefan in 2x01. If the producers really WERE on SE's side, they would never vocalize it through the characters on the show. They would never be as obvious as that. over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
lol, just ignore them, they've got no evidence to back up their bullshit theories. i think they'll find that all their theories will be proved to be invain as the show goes on, and displays damon's unconditional love for elena. over a year ago
nell79 said about Damon & Elena
I keep hearing how Julie Plec is an SE fan. Where is this coming from? I've read her interviews, tweets, seen conferences, etc and I don't recall her ever saying that. I do think she sounded more pro-SE in season 1, less so in season 2 and more balanced and evasive from there on out. Has someone seen something I haven't? Posted over a year ago
AnamHussain95 commented…
The way the show is being written with Delena as the real love story, Damon the selfless man/brother who loves Elena unconditionally and without a doubt is the best thing for her, proves Julie is pro-DE. She likes to gush about SE in her interviews but they don't hold any significance because it doesn't matter what they say, its what they show us. The famous saying 'trust the story, not the story-teller.' If Julie really was pro-SE, like all SE fans brag, then wouldn't it make sense if she built up n developed SE the way a real couple should be written? But she didn't do that. DE got all the development n progression. They are the most popular couple of TVD. The amount of time n hard work the writers have invested in DE, not half of it has been spent on SE. The way Stefan is behaving now, its been proven that he never loved her truly. The fact that has been established that SE has sunk forever, I don't see getting bac together now, ever, are all the evidence that the writers NOT pro-SE over a year ago
AnamHussain95 commented…
They like to talk about DE as well. Its not like DE is always kept out of the loop. Kevin said one, “As Katherine said, hate is the beginning of love stories. It was no surprise that we ended the episode with Elena saying ‘I hate him.’' He flat out declared DE as the love story of the show and its been proven now. Fact is that the producers can never be bias to one couple. Its against their job. They try n keep both fanbases alive n their couples as well. Julie isn't pro-SE or pro-DE, she is pro-TVD but as far as this love triangle n endgame is concerned, I m more than confident that she is a DE fan. It reflects through her writing n execution of the story. And I wish fans, especially SE fans, would understand these facts and not run around flaunting how the producers are always on their sides, because truth is, they are not. Not the way SE has been destroyed, beyond repair now. over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
they say many things, but the shows tells us different, and i definately think that the show is heading straight in the DE direction. over a year ago
amshafe commented…
I don't believe for a second JP is an SE fan, and in fact most of the SE fans I've seen on Twitter think she's clearly a DE fan. Back in S1 and 2 JP HAD to talk nicely about SE. They were together and the main couple atm, she couldn't say bad things about them or talk about Delena, a couple that hadn't even kisse yet. It would be unfair to the SE fans. And given that this show is about a triangle, she has to be careful. But bottom line is the writing speaks for itself and it's being written the way it is for a reason. over a year ago
nell79 said about Damon & Elena
The compulsion experiences between Klaus/Stefan and Kol/Damon were very different. It's ridiculous to compare them. Klaus compelled Stefan to attack Elena, the woman he loves. He fought it, but with further compulsion, he did give into it. Damon was compelled to attack Jeremy, not the woman he loves, but the brother of the woman he loves. He held himself back, gave Jeremy warnings and opportunities to get away, and when that failed, he was willing to die. How is that less than what Stefan did? Posted over a year ago
AnamHussain95 commented…
Its not less in any way. The compulsion was Damon's test in a way, Damon's compulsion and the way he fought it not just for Elena's sake but also for Jeremy's sake because he didn't want to hurt Jeremy or Elena or do anything wrong. He chose to die but do anything hurtful to both of them because he loves them, proves how selfess he is. Damon loves Elena way more than Stefan ever can. over a year ago
AnamHussain95 commented…
This much has been proved =) over a year ago
amshafe commented…
It's ridiculous what some ppl will say, I agree. The whole point was Damon cares about Jeremy, to the point that he's willing to die for him. Some SE fans love to say that Damon only cares about Elena, noone else. That's not true, and this was proof. One by one their arguments against Damon are getting destroyed this season, and it's a beautiful thing to watch (just like in 4.06 when Damon tried to defend Stefan and get SE to stay together, something Stefan doesn't know about but just assumes the worst of Damon). The fact is the point of this sequence was not for it to be compared to the Stefan compulsion, b/c if that was the point it would have been Elena Damon ws oredered to kill. But apparently some SE fans didn't get the memo. over a year ago
no1drwhofan gave me props for my comments
I like your motto- well said. :D Posted over a year ago
nikki8green6 gave me props for my links
Thanks for adding me Nell.....:) Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
I left a response to you on the SE spot but that will be my last time communicating with you there because other people might not want to see us debating back & forth. Out of respect for my fellow SE fam members, I will reply on your wall since these messages are for you & no one else. I'm going to address some of the things you've written. As far as me saying DE is killing ratings...I (along with other TVD fans) said that after noticing most heavy DE episodes have low ratings. For example after Posted over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
SE broke up, the ratings went down. When heart of darkness aired ( a total DE episode) the ratings were so low it was reported the lowest rated episode in TVD history. It wasn't just the lowest rated episode of season 3 but the entire season. KW once said that he personally ends upmetting way more SE fans in person. Also, SE fans tend to outnumber DE fans on tumblr which is why I was not SHOCKED that SE was winning the poll. They've won plenty polls before. SE fans once reblogged SE 6,490,964 times while DE recieved only 2,144, 856 reblogs on tumblr. That's why I'm not surprised if SE wins something. Another site SE got 3549 votes (94%) while DE got 225 votes (6%) so this isn't the first time SE won polls. over a year ago
nell79 commented…
I actually prefer the polls where you can only vote once. You do it, you get it over with, you move on. I actually agree with your view on only caring about the ratings for the fact that as long as they're up, the show will continue and that's what I want. I may be a DE fan, but I'm a TVD fan first and I want to see it succeed. I think to do that the show needs ALL it's fans, not just one ship from it. I voted a lot in the portrait poll because I was bored and it was good typing practice with those captchas, but when it started making my head hurt and I was doing more typos than votes, I quit. As I said before, right now I have WAY too much time on my hands right now and I'm not used to that. I'd rather be out doing things, but can't right now. So I find myself doings things I'd not normally do. I mean, I do vote when I come across a poll, but I've never been obsessive about it. LOL Ah well, this too shall pass.... over a year ago
NakedBarbie commented…
True lol. Xoxo. over a year ago
NakedBarbie said …
Hey, I responded to your last post about SE supposedly cheating on polls in the SE spot under your last comment. From your wall, I can see you discussed your theory in the DE spot which I think was the most appropriate option in the first place. If I ever heard a rumor that DE was cheating on polls then I would discuss it on the SE spot. I would not mention that on the DE spot to avoid ship wars. I don't go to the DE spot. That's a MATURE decision I made for a so-called 'immature' person. Posted over a year ago
nell79 commented…
I didn't call your response immature because you disagreed with me or responded in a different way than I would. I called your response immature because you attacked my character and you know nothing about me. Most of the time I don't respond to what I read on there, but it was actually your response that changed my mind. Had you not claimed that DE was killing the ratings on the show and that our ship wasn't nearly as popular as we liked to believe, I probably would've kept my comments to myself. And maybe I should've anyway. When I hear something I don't like, I look into it. I think about it and I respond in an informed way. I did think about what I said before I said it. I did research it before sharing my thoughts, and then I considered it before posting. Part of me thought it wouldn't do any good when a group is so biased (as I know many from my own ship are also), but another part of me thought maybe someone might listen, as I try to, and take what I say into consideration. over a year ago
nell79 commented…
I don't have any issue at all with why you think SE belong together. What I take issue with is how you have to tear the competition down to bring your side up. I love all the characters on the show. I want to see all of them find happiness. I have a preference for how I want that happiness to go, but that doesn't mean that I think my view is the be-all-end-all of everything. Everyone is entitled to their beliefs. The only time I debate them on those beliefs is when I have valid reason to dispute what they're saying. As for whether or not someone was cheating on that poll, I do find it interesting that after several people emailed portrait about concerns with possible cheating, within 24 hours the voting slowed way down. Coincidence? Perhaps. I really can't say. Does this mean that I think any poll SE has won was done by cheating? No. But I was with this poll from the beginning, and had you seen what I did, it would raise your suspicions too. over a year ago
nell79 commented…
Oh, and while I chose not to address your claim on the SE wall of you not specifically calling me out (because you're right, it shouldn't be all negativity there, especially from someone who is not an SE fan), we both know you were referencing me. You specifically targeted everything I said. So let's not pretend that you weren't responding to what I'd said and that you didn't mean for ME specifically to read what you had written. It's okay though. I really do understand. No harm, no foul and I don't hold grudges. I say what I feel in the moment and then I get over it. Life is too short to do it any other way. Wouldn't want to carry a grudge for 145+ years like the Salvatores....or worse 500+ years like Klaus ;) over a year ago
nell79 said about Damon & Elena
Have you guys seen this? Ian got the #8 spot for TV Guide's users favorite actor of the year. Go Ian! link Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
awsome!!! over a year ago
campyvamp commented…
That's awesome. Word of warning, don't read the comments. Most say he's just a pretty boy who got their in the tail of his abs. over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
oh god, whatever hepls them sleep at night i guess. over a year ago
nell79 said about Damon & Elena
So after hearing about how Delena has been losing so much to Stelena in the polls this year, I decided to do a little research on the REPUTABLE polls on NON-BIASED sites. I'm listing the sites we won here, feel free to add to the list, but please, no websites that are pro-DE since we want to prove we win in the mainstream media ;) This is just for fun and to improve spirits here. I admit that I wasn't Delena from day 1, but have been since Season 1 when I saw their awesome chemistry. Go DE! Posted over a year ago
nell79 commented…
link over a year ago
nell79 commented…
SE didn't even make the list on this one: link over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
i know, so pathetic!! over a year ago