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HFU said …
Hi Posted over a year ago
istroskus said about Damon & Elena
I just thought that after that Damon might not believe Elenas feelings for him were real when she gets her humanity back.. Imgaine how awesome itd be to have her trying to prove her feelings for him are real. If i was Damon i dont kno if i would believe her feelings either even Silas talks of the sire bond all he hears is sire bond sire bond and one more time SIRE BOND but he still stays so strong i know if i was in his place id probably just break down .. Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
that's what i love about damon. he keeps his pain from others so they won't suffer with him. so selfless. over a year ago
istroskus said about Damon & Elena
I was reading spoilers on some TVD page and i noticed some of them say Stefan might be the one taking the cure. I wouldn't like that AT ALL. I mean imagine if he took the cure and his memories just vanished then the whole next season would probably be about getting his memories back and usually in tv shows characters get their memory back cuz of the ones they love a.k.a thad be Elena i think then theyd get closer again. I really dont like idea of Stefan taking the cure. Thats just speculations Posted over a year ago
istroskus commented…
and i hope it will only stay speculations lol over a year ago
Tiffyangel77 commented…
I think it will be someone who doesn't want it. No one on this show gets what they want and everyone is miserable.. So who would be the most miserable if they took the cure? Hmmm i'm going to go with Damon. Besides, Stefan taking the cure would serve no purpose as a storyline because he wants it. The possibilities of storyline if Damon took it... though over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
yeah, i too think that it will be someone who doesn't want it. it's looking that way. someone who we least expect, your right. over a year ago
istroskus said about Damon & Elena
How do i find right words for this ..hmmm.. WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?
I would be way less pissed if i havent heard all those spoilers about how "amazing" this episode is going to be. For me as a fan the hardest thing is to have my hopes up and then end up being brought down cuz my hopes were crashed ..I still have hope i still believe in DE but im starting to feel as an idiot cuz its already been 3 years and i still dont see any progress from Elenas side. I know that right now shes confused and Posted over a year ago
istroskus commented…
is always talking about how she doesnt want to hurt others but she always ends up hurting Damon. I know shes scared for her feeling for him and its hard for her but she should be alil bit more greatfull to him it was unfair to treat Damon like that after he tried to help her . He did nothing wrong but still got treated back. I really want Damon to leave town for a while or be distanced from Elena so shed finally start top understand her feelings and do something about it either completely let go of Damon or finally start to show him what she feels over a year ago
istroskus commented…
bad* over a year ago
delenaluv commented…
meant behavior..oops over a year ago
istroskus said about Damon & Elena
I think this episode was totally flawless.From Delena scenes to Dalaric .
Bloodsharing was beyond amazing it was also sweet at same time. It was one of my favorite DE moments and it was so obvious Damon and Elena both were loving was waaaay sexier than SE makeout in the woods. I also loved how Damon was comforting when they were outside it was so sweet. The thing i loved the most is that she kind of went behinds Stefans bac to ask Damons help just cuz she trusts him so much. Posted over a year ago
istroskus commented…
And one of the most important things in friendship is trust :) Btw Dalaric moment was so sweet and broke my heart. oOverall amazing episode so much better than 4x01 over a year ago
loveVD-DS commented…
agreed over a year ago
Claire1896 commented…
It really was flawless <3 over a year ago
istroskus said about Damon & Elena
I have so many thoughts after this episode...Im alil disapointed also kind of happy.. i really didnt like SE scenes and at some point of view i dont get Elena's behaviour . I mean sure she loves Stefan but she just forgot everything that happened before so fast..I was expecting their cheesyness but i wasn't expecting so much of it.. On the other hand i think it was just fan service so whatever i can suffer few SE scenes if it means that latter ill get DE. Posted over a year ago
istroskus commented…
Talking about DE i loved their lil fight scene they hat at the end. Damons speach was AMAZING and very touching . over a year ago
istroskus commented…
I think that right now Elena is still not mature enough for Damon (yet) but now that shes a vampire she will go threw many thing ups and downs shell see what vampires go threw she will see how hard it is to deal with hightened emotions and shell see how hard it is to fight the feelings that she has and they will eventually come out to the surface she wants it or not. I'm so looking forward to Delena this season cuz when its going to happen it will be amazing. i wouldn't even like them to go fast all this angst and dificulties make them so special and amazing. De forever <3 over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
i agree, elena has still got alot of growing to do, before she can truley understand love and what drives us to do impossible things for it. over a year ago