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delena04 said about Damon & Elena
This is the best finale episode, everything that we could have wished for ! The DE scene in front of the fire place was just perfect, the song, the place, Damon's words, Elena's words, their looks, their kiss... OMG !! Added to the "You got the girl" perfect scene, I was just screaming and crying at the same time, I can't help repeating this but best finale episode ever !
"I'm not sorry that I met you... I'm not sorry that I'm in love with you... I love you, Damon" <3 Posted over a year ago
delena04 commented…
Just amazing !! We finally got what we wished for for sooooo long <3 over a year ago
delenasalvatore commented…
That quote should definitely be our next motto. over a year ago
delena04 said about Damon & Elena
I've just rewatched the episode and I may be wrong but the song during the moment when Elijah and Katherine are talking to each other, when she gives him "the cure", the song... Doesn't it remind you of something ? I have the impression that it's the same air as in our DE moment, their kiss in 3x19... (without the lyrics). Am I wrong ? Posted over a year ago
Thana01 commented…
No you're not wrong! I noticed that too. It was the same tune they used on Delena bed scene but without ''Never Let Me Go''. over a year ago
quinn13 commented…
You are right!! I noticed that too!! It's. such a great song..everytime I hear it I start thinking about DE <3 over a year ago
iandamonfan commented…
It's not an especific song, it the show's theme or something like that. They've used it in other scenes too. Pretty Little Liars uses the same one. over a year ago
delena04 said about Damon & Elena
I'm very excited about next week's episode ! What do you think of the DE scene that we see in the trailer ? Posted over a year ago
quinn13 commented…
Oh my I'm so sooooo EXCITED!! I wish it was already Thursday!!!! over a year ago
iandamonfan commented…
I think that if they get interrupted by Rebekah, or anyone else for that matter, I'm not gonna like it. over a year ago
delena04 said about Damon & Elena
I haven't noticed it when I first watched the episode but the second time I realized that when Stefan brings Elena back home, he puts her in Damon's bed !! And when Elena is having a shower, it's in Damon's bathroom I think... Don't you think that it's a sign of our DE ? =D Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented… could be??... over a year ago
iandamonfan commented…
He puts her in Damon's bed because, despite most of you thinking so low of him, Stefan knows better than taking Elena to HIS bed. over a year ago
campyvamp commented…
^ Yes, I think Stefan is finally accepting that Elena isn't his any more and I actually like him again. I want him to have more fun with Caroline. over a year ago
iandamonfan commented…
^YES, THIS. over a year ago
delena04 said about Damon & Elena
It was just an amazing episode, amazing Nina, amazing Damon and amazing and crying moments... Just perfect!! Even if I read that many people think it was not the case, even if I read some false and so crazy things about Damon and his actions, I totally agree to say that is was one of the best episodes for me, and Nina plays her role just perfectly waouh !! Damon, the embodiment of the selflessness, he is so, so, so... Damon and I love it, I just love him and DE in this episode <3 Posted over a year ago
delena04 commented…
So impatient to see the next episodes, to see how Damon will make his soul mate come back and how Elena will evolve over a year ago
delena04 commented…
DE is really THE love of the show <3 over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
im telling you her and ian should do a film together!! perhaps a romantic comedy, or a powerful drama, it would amazing!! over a year ago
delena04 said about Damon & Elena
That was so a beautiful episode, I can't even believe my ears and my eyes that Damon is finally loved back by Elena and that she admits in front of Stefan, Rebekah and Caroline that she is in love with Damon, and especially that she admits it to herself =D
Elena saying "I love you, Damon" <3
Damon's face when he hears that <3
And the "come to me" makes me feel speechless and crying... So beautiful !!!!!
We're just waiting for Thursday now to see their epic loving reunion =D Posted over a year ago
delena04 said about Damon & Elena
So impatient to be Thursday !!!! I can't wait any more, I watched the new video promo of 4x10 and what Elena is saying... just yeah =D Posted over a year ago
loveofdelena commented…
tell me about it!! over a year ago
delena04 commented…
"I didn’t sleep with Damon because of the sire bond, I slept with him because I’m in love with him." <3 over a year ago
delena04 commented…
That's what I've just read about 4x10 =D over a year ago
delena04 commented…
I'm so excited about this episode !! over a year ago
big smile
Claire1896 gave me props for my videos
Welcome to the DE family hun!!! Posted over a year ago
AnamHussain95 gave me props for my images
Welcome to our club! Beautiful icon by the way! Posted over a year ago
delena04 said about Damon & Elena
And the second moment that made me fall in love with them together is in the same episode, at the end, Damon stroking Elena’s face, watching her sleeping while the voice of Stefan says that “there is nothing human left in Damon, no good, no kindness, no love”, just a perfect moment. Are you kidding, Stefan ?!!!! Stefan who starts to get used to interrupting our DE scenes, just like in 4x07 when he and Caroline interrupts the scene that we all have been waiting for so looooooong!! Posted over a year ago
delena04 commented…
Season 2 backed up my feeling that their love is so much deeper and stronger than her relationship with Stefan. Stefan was a first love after her parents’ death, he enabled her to get out of her despair, but she fell in love with him too quickly, their love is innocent, I agree with Rose, it’s pure, but it lacks of everything that make a love be THE real love, the Love with a big capital L. Delena is full of passion, tenderness, love, desire, lust, adventure, danger, strength, they slowly fell in love, their love is so strong, so true above all, that they can’t deny it, even if Elena tries to fight against her feelings for Damon during a long time, these feelings are so epic, so real that they just can’t walk away. over a year ago
delena04 commented…
As for season 3, this was just the season that confirmed what I felt about DE. Especially the scene in 3x19, when we can see that Elena is confronted with an inner fight, between what she really wants and feels and what her reason tells her to do. Her brain tells her not to kiss Damon for many reasons, because she is with his brother, because he “is” the bad guy, because he had killed people (just as Stefan did by the way…), because he is dangerous, because he “represents” the dark side. But her heart tells her the opposite. She loves him. He is not a monster. He has so much good in him. He fights for her because he loves her more than anyone else. He is her soul mate. They are made for each other. And finally, she kisses him. So her feelings, her heart won over her head and that proved me that their love was the true epic story of the series. That they will be end game. That Vampire Diaries is the story of Elena falling in love with Damon. over a year ago
delenaluv commented…
EXACTLY!!!^^^ over a year ago