Disney Princess DP Questions and Answers

mhs1025 posted on Oct 07, 2014 at 01:44AM
In this game, you can ask ANYTHING related to DP movies. For example, if I ask "How did Tiana have the energy to work all day and all night?" and someone answers "Probably ALOT of coffee!" or, you can say "I wonder if Shang staying over for dinner was his and Mulan's 1st date." and someone else says "It was." .

I'll start things off so this won't get confusing.

I wonder who raised Anna and Elsa after their parents died.

Disney Princess 13 replies

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over a year ago misscindyspice said…
Well, with most royalty, it isn't really the parents who raise them at all. But, they were 15 and 18 at the time, so they probably didn't need much raising anyway, just the tutors.

If Beast's castle has been cursed for 10 years, then how is Chip younger than 10? He sounds about 7 or younger.
over a year ago Diazdiaz95 said…
See, what happened was that Chip was around 7 when the curse was cast and since he and the rest of the people were turned into inanimate objects, they didn't age. Only the Beast aged because he was still an animal but the aging process of the rest of them stopped for 10 years. That's my best bet.

How did Mother Gothel leave the tower before Rapunzel had long hair without revealing the secret entrance?
Diazdiaz95 commented…
My sister has brought up this question before and I've never been able to think of a good answer. over a year ago
misscindyspice commented…
Woah, I never thought of that O.O Thank you! :D over a year ago
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
She may've used rock climbing tools. Think about it-that thing was like 25 feet tall!

When John was being sailed back to London to get treatment for his gunshot wound, how did he not get sick? (People used to get infections from things like that, you know.)
over a year ago Disneyfan9648 said…
They could have poured boiling water/wine into the wound to clean it.
mhs1025 commented…
You also have to ask a question after you give an answer. Just letting you know. over a year ago
over a year ago Evera said…
I'll ask the question then.

I know this sounds stupid but are Elsa's powers unlimited? She sings in Let it Go "To test the limits and breakthrough" and it seems that she doesn't have. She seems never get tired no matter how big she unleashes her powers.
last edited over a year ago
I'll ask the question then.

I know this sounds stupid but are Elsa's powers unlimited? She sings i
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
I think they are unlimited. You could tell from that when she was a kid. After that accident, there were LOADS of limits, if any.

This may not be for the faint-hearted, but after that village scene in Mulan, I wonder what happened to all those bodies.
over a year ago OnceABlueMoon said…
I think that at some point after the war was over, people from nearby towns would go there to bury the dead and lay them to rest. Or the emperor would send a group of troops out to bury them. The soldiers would most likely go so they could take whatever had not been taken during the original ransacking. It's not like the dead are going to use it.

I wonder what Prince Philip would have done if the fairies had not rescued him. Would he have still gone to kiss Aurora at 100 years old?
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
I think so, according to what the real thing says. (Unless he died of old age in prison.)

When Aladdin and Jasmine got married, did they take over The Sultan's duties?
over a year ago Disneyfan9648 said…
Probably not until he died.
mhs1025 commented…
Leave a question after you comment. That's what this game is about. over a year ago
over a year ago Sk8er__grl said…
Since he didn't ask a question I'll start with something.

In Mulan, Chi Fu said that the emperor demanded one man from each family go to war to fight the Huns, but once everyone gets to camp their seems to only be about 30 men, then after the Hun attack in the mountain there were only about seven recruits left, what was with the sudden disappearing of men?
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
They thought the war was over. They obviously didn't know Shan Yu was still alive. As for the men who didn't return to camp, THEY probably gathered the remains up in the mountains.

Me and KataraLover were wondering this the other day-How in the world did Elsa survive on that mountain?!? I mean, what did she eat and sleep on?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Disneyfan9648 said…
She lives on the top of a mountain, that happens to be quite forest-y. I am sure she can go and hunt animal or even create snowmen to go hunt for her. I don't see why she can't sleep on an ice bed. She doesn't feel the cold so it wouldn't bother her. If it was too hard she could cover it in snow. She could also make one out of bed materials, but that would be hard.

What's your opinion on maximus?
over a year ago mhs1025 said…
I used to hate him, but now, I don't hate him as much as I used to.

I'm wondering if Pocahontas found love after she met Smith and before she met Rolfe.
last edited over a year ago