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‘Vampire Diaries’ Season 6 Spoilers — Damon & Elena Reunite, Steroline | TVLine

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It was called ‘Vampire Diaries’ Season 6 Spoilers — Damon & Elena Reunite, Steroline | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
, but it sounds like the drama’s Jan. 22 return (The CW, 8/7c) will find our favorite couples more divided than ever — at least
‘ Steven R. McQueen to Exit as Series Regular
‘s glorious return, TVLine caught up with executive producer Julie Plec for seven teases about what’s to come. Think of this interview as your personal vampire-themed Advent calendar — or you can just read all the answers in one sitting. This
TVLINE | Kai seems to be the only obstacle standing between Damon and Elena at the moment. Will any additional problems arise? 
There are a lot of emotional obstacles, the little details. Can Elena get right with her feelings for him? Is she falling in love with him all over again? As they fight the bad guys, deal with loss and grief, character exits, that kind of thing … do they stay strong, or do they drift apart? I’d really like to see them make it and be happy for a little while.
That’s the problem when you have an actor who’s so great and who the audience responds to as a villain. You have to take stock: Is there more that I can do with this character outside of his run as this year’s villain? If so, you have to come up with the right way to do it, and if not, you have to let the heroes get the win over the villain. Every day, we talk about Kai, and we debate it. It’s an ongoing conversation.
TVLINE | Who has a better chance of surviving: Sheriff Forbes or Steroline?
] I think that both of them have some pretty extreme hurdles to cross. Both story lines are going to be incredibly emotional, no matter how much you look at it.
TVLINE | We know Stefan will be helping Caroline save her mom. Will that bring them closer together?
At first, it’s going to shore up their friendship and bring up more of those romantic questions. But I can’t guarantee there won’t be a stumbling block or two that prevents them from seeing things clearly.
TVLINE | Do you have a time frame for Bonnie’s return from 1994? What will her biggest adjustments be?
We can expect it by the end of the run of this next chapter, which is approximately Episodes 11 to 15. It changes her forever. She’s been to hell and back, so to speak, and she’s had to do a lot of it on her own. Anyone who goes through an experience that isolating and that lonely isn’t going to come back ready to dive back into their old life. We’ll see her try to find her way and heal herself. We’ll see if her friendship with Damon is true, and if he’s someone who can help her heal.
TVLINE | How is Sarah Salvatore going to factor into the story as we know it now?
Sarah Salvatore factors into the story right away when we come back from the hiatus. Stefan hears that Caroline’s going to Duke to talk to a researcher who specializes in her mom’s condition. So he hitches a ride and goes to check in on Sarah, make sure she’s still doing OK. Only this time, he’s had someone follow him who’s also checking on Sarah, which is Enzo. Stefan knows that all the work he’s done to keep this girl away from the supernatural is jeopardized by the fact that Enzo knows who she is.
TVLINE | You also recently teased a big death on Twitter. When can we expect that?
There’s going to be at least one major death coming — and soon. I think the death count by the end of this season is going to be astonishingly high.
TVLINE | Do you have an end in sight? How much further beyond Season 7 could the show go?
When you’re dealing with a show like
, which kind of gave the network a boost it really needed, and has continued to have such a loyal and passionate fan base, I don’t think we necessarily get to make the decision about when it’s over. The decision will be made by a lot of things: How much story is left to tell? How many actors are left to tell that story? How many shows like
will come along, with great success, so that the network doesn’t necessarily need us in the way they used to? That could take a couple years, or it could go on as long as possible.
hopes for Mystic Falls’ finest as we move into the second half of Season 6? Drop a comment with your thoughts and theories below.
I really hope that they don’t keep Kai past the season finale. They should learned their lesson with Silas.
Kai is a season-long villain and needs to be killed off at the end of this season. This show either kills off villains too early or keeps them around for way too long and then tries to de-villianze them. There needs to be a better balance.
I agree that keeping Silas into s5 felt weird….but then we got that *amazing* Original Doppelganger backstory stuff and that made it all worth it, because that was really cool.
I agree. Aside from Silas, they did the same with Klaus. They kept him on so long that fans rooted so much for him that they couldn’t get rid of him … though I guess that worked out in the end because we have the brilliant series that is the originals … but that can’t happen with every villain that we love … so Kai must unfortunately go.
nothing worse than a showrunner who dosent know when to end a show! hint jp it was 2 seasons ago
I’d say this one thing for Caroline: she’s the only woman in the entire show that could make Stefan move on. If she doesn’t get him to forget the other one, no one will.
It’s prerty clear that she won’t. Elena’s golden beaver trumps all.
I don’t believe that any woman will make Stefan forget Elena. I don’t believe that Stefan will ever fully love another woman the way he loved Elena, and that will be his and Caroline downfall. ..
Ya so true.. I wonder if they will show that. Putting Caroline and Stefan together is simply an awful idea. Although, I would like to see Bamon.. that would definitely spice things up on the show.
I am looking forward to Delena FINALLY having their time in the sun. They deserve to be Happy.
They already had it and it was complete shiet lol. Nobody wants to see it again
AGREED! Also, WHY DOES EVERYTHING HAVE TO BE ABOUT SAVING ELENA! Can’t she do anything for herself!! She’s a vampire now for pete’s sake… take care of yourself for once. These writers (who are women might I add) should be showing how girls/women are capable of taking care of themselves! Instead, the writers give all the women storylines that revolve around men. SHEESH
Exactly! NO Steroline. THAT’S my hope for Mystic Falls’ finest.
They lost me at Damon & Bonnie’s “friendship” I’m afraid. TVD is out of the DVR regardless of Stefan & Caroline makee it or not.
I second that petition … don’t ruin a great friendship
So if what Plec says is true about lots of deaths, either a lot of minor characters (like Enzo, Luke, Liv) are about to die, or some actors decided not to renew their contracts.
I’ve always been team I love Kai but he has to die. However, if they did some kind of Spike chip thing we him it could be interesting. I just don’t know if I would want Kai to have the same lame type of faith as Damon. He was a totally good villain that got reduced to someone’s love interest.
So true and Elena always caught in the middle. The writers have really degraded their characters. I really don’t see how they’re going to justify are clean up the mess they may but the show. Tyler, Matt. Jermey, Liz, Luke, and that creepy Enzo all need to die off the show their characters are useless.
Enzo is the worst! I like some of those characters you mentioned, but yeah I agree there is nothing really for them left to do with them. Jeremy has been let go. So I think the others could be soon as well.
Stop Steroline. Nobody wants romance between them with Liz being sick. Or at all
Stop Steroline eww. Nobody wants romance between them with Liz being sick. Or at all
I’m loving Kai, but I hope they don’t keep him around TOO long. They struck gold with Klaus, but it’s hard to keep a villain interesting for too long before you either have to redeem or destroy them. Kai doesn’t exactly have ‘redemption’ tattooed on his forehead…
Personally, I just want them to stop with the Steroline. For some reason they felt the need to trash a really beautiful friendship in order to make their romantic relationship more dramatic, and I hate that. Caroline is not good for Stefan and Stefan is REALLY not good for Caroline. Plus, the actors have little to no sexual chemistry. It still bugs me that Caroline’s mother is dying purely to serve her romantic story with Stefan. That’s awful. Hopefully the writers let that ship die and move on quickly.
I don’t know where the heck they’ll even go after this season is over. Ian will be gone, Steven will be gone, apparently Kat wants to leave too? I don’t get why the network would renew a show that is so clearly dying.
As much as I love Kai as a villain he has to meet his demise at some point. They need to kill him off.
And honestly The Enzo storyline is just ridiculous, why does Enzo even care about the Salvatore family and were does his hatred for Stefan come from. They brought him back with no clue what to do with his character.
And then Steroline, just needs to die, their friendship was so much fun to watch than this awkward forced chemistry.
I’m loving that Delena might still have their happy ending.
I really miss TVD when it still had TO, those days were fun.
Ugh, since they shoved Dullena down our throats the show is just awful. Bought seasons 1, 2 and 3 on DVD. Done with this show, actually stopped watching in the middle of last season but still read recaps and articles. As soon as they talk about Dullena I’m glad I didn’t watch.
AGREED.. please stop delena! Also I don’t understand why she keeps saying in interviews that Delena has had their struggles and need to be happy.. such nonsense because Delena does not deserve any attention! No body cares about that relationship anymore. I never cared for it then and I certainly don’t care for it now. Everything they do now is to service Delena like having Kai come between their mistletoe kiss.. as if anyone cared about that!
Nobody cares about Delena…hehehehe u must be crazy honestly!
Might I also add, Delena is not going to STOP since they are endgame, either you stop watching or you get onboard. Here’s to many more wonderful seasons of Delena.
Please tell me when it’s your 13th birthday so I can send you a Nian poster. You barely sound 12.
That said, yes here’s hoping for more Delena! have loved them since s1
Stop talking please,u talk like a shallows person.Delena needs to be together
please just kill the Stefan and Caroline romance that’s like throw up. Kai need to die because no one should have that much power didn’t you learn your lesson with the originals. Damon and Elena should just disappear. Enzo a f****** gay predator that’s what you writers has made his character to B.
Jesus, no more Steroline! At least not romantically. Stop dangling the carrot! No one wants to see it.
Looking forward to DE being happy and stable for awhile and for the moment when Elena gets her memories back. Hoping they really are endgame.The Gemini coven and Kai have been interesting so far so I guess as long as they can keep it interesting, Kai should stick around. Actually enjoying the development of Steroline but the Enzo storyline is beyond pointless. Don’t see how much longer the show could go on. Thought this season could be the end but I understand giving the writers one more to wrap things up. I love the show but I dont want it to end up like Greys current season, beyond awful, especially since Sandra Oh left. But I guess we will see.
Delena is beyond salvation, I cant stomach ut anymore even if Damon suddenly became the best man ever. He still killed jeremy and vanged elenas mom. Disgusting.
so bonnie is dying again…its always bonnie who dies.
Loving the Delena scoop, can’t wait for a proper r/ship btwn the two and enough already with Steroline.
Delena also needs to stop being shoved down our throats. Toxic and boring even when the writers are trying to retcon it this season
Only because of the Stelena visions of a happy ending when the travelers came to town. Where the writers messed up at was throwing them in the sack together rather than letting them romance each others. Now they trying to make up for it and nobody wants to see them because they are burned out. They should of did that while Stefan was gone those 3mths instead of just having them roll around in the sack……….
Unless, Bonnie, Stefan or Damon dies, then I see no “BIG” deaths coming up for me because those are the only characters I care about and I doubt they will be killed.
My hope for thos season is no Delena, more Bamon and no romantic Steroline. Also please get rid of Alaric again, he’s a douchebag.
Delena is not going anywhere, u might as well stop watching.
Damon has a new interest because Elena has lost here girlish figure. He’s looking for someone who will challenge him who can stand on her own and Elena don’t cut it anymore
I stopped watching after they turned Elena into a vampire and pretended that made it all okay for her to choose Damon. I read about Stefan/Caroline possible romance this season and have been watching. I am all for them together and it’s literally the only part I care about.
Delena is disgusting crap and they need to stop acting like it’s some kind of epic love. It’s wrong on so many levels and it has destroyed Elena and everything that was once good about this show. Fan pandering at it’s worse. Can Damon be the big death? Anything to stop Delena from ever happening again. Elena needs to end up with anybody but Damon. Seriously. It scares me that Julie Plec thinks Delena is actually what love looks like. Worst ship ever.
They need to end this Steroline and Delena thing, the show was much better in the past when they were just friends. It’s just annoying this storyline.
i think stefan and caroline r perfect for one another..they complete each other in ever elena can never love stefan as much as she loves damon..she will ALWAYS b divided among them and that would b unfair on stefan. STEROLINE ALL THE WAY!!!!
Bonnie and Damon have the sizzle and they should really concentrate on that relationship, as it could grow into something amazing- and as for the Bamon friendship thing- please it’s laughable- as with Damon and Bonnie- it’s the hate turning into love- plus she really gets him- all that he has done and how he struggles with his inner demon and his redemption. And there is food for thought for season 7- the Bamon season.
As for Delena- they drifted apart even before Elena let herself be compelled to forget him. They are so dysfunctional and their happy thing is so fake!
As for Kai- yeah, great villain- but Bonnie needs to defeat him- as that would show her upper hand which is long time coming!
Steroline- can they just drop it. It’s like they don’t know what to do with them- and then they gave them Liz’s illness. Caroline needed conflict sl with Enzo- that would have made both character interesting. And it could have involved Zach’s daughter sl- and then Stefan trying to protect her would make sense…
I don’t get the Kai love. The character does nothing for me. I need Damon and Elena to make their way back together! I want Caroline happy, but not with Stefan. He’s a dud. I still like Enzo. Loved that he called Stefan out for giving up on Damon. I have huge reservations about the Sarah storyline though. It’s too early to tell, but it just feels unnecessary.
I just want Enzo and Kai GONE–permanently. Can’t stand it when either of them is on screen. And it would give me great pleasure if Kai is vanquished in the twin merger thing — to his great surprise. The look on his face when he realizes he has LOST! That would make the entire season for me!
That said, I am really looking forward to Bonnie’s return and her friendship with Damon being further developed. This story line feels natural and organic.
As for the illness of Caroline’s mother and her possible romance with Stefan? Can’t stand the idea of them being more than friends and I fo NOT want to lose her mother from the show.
Lookimg forward to next week’s episode and many seasons to come!
Delena for eternity. The best couple ever <33333
I’m becoming so tired of the whining of some of you. Why you need to be such a mood kill? Always having something negative to say about everything,ruing it for the others like us.If you don’t like it and really stopped watching it since season 2 or 3 as you say you did, so then you wouldn’t be here talking about this show. Also who doesn’t like Delena can as well move on with their life cause Delena is what making this show what it is. If you can’t understand that.that’s your problem,you might be too slow to understand that. I’m of the few people who have learned to not complain about almost everything in life and I’m of the few maybe who is okay with everything that is happening on the show. It’s a very captivating and interesting show, I dont know why some of you shallow minded talk so bad about it, but it didnt became bad after season 2 .It’s still a very good show,its your problem if you don’t like it anymore but you have no right to talk in the name of all the fans about the show becoming so bad,talk only about your selves cause there are fans like us who are very satisfied by it ok? Now i read a lot of negative comments about Elena,that her character got destroyed that she lost her original personality,that she cries for the smallest things and that she’s annoying. I have nooo idea where u get this things. Elenas character has evolved just like a real person in real life would evolved if all those things that happened to elena would happen to them.It’s absolutely normal to be like Elena is right now.I dont know how you want her to behave but i dont see anything negative about her character becoming who she is now. And lastly, who of you that are too shallow to not understand Delenas relationship let me tell you that remember when Elena asked Bonnie what she saw in her future? Bonnie said that she saw fog and a dark figure in the shadows,that dark figure is Damon and that makes clear, Elena meeting Stefan and falling for him was all leading up to her coming across Damon HER REAL LOVE . The show has always been giving us hints that Damon is elenas real love. Not to mention Delena are endgame in the books too,so you better get used to the facts or quit fallowing the show cause you won’t be much satisfied. Elena loves Damon and Damon loves Elena,love doesn’t need reason or justify.So no matter if want or don’t want them together,facts are facts.
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